Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ciao Leopard

(note: any post made on a novel is intended for those who are reading along at the same pace or for a comparison of opinions after reading. If you are sensitive to plot spoilers
please do not read)

It is my embarrassment to admit that I cannot finish The Leopard. I find myself reading, and rereading paragraph after paragraph after paragraph. I do find that this book is a great sedative. After no more than three pages I find myself able to nap heavily. I suggest this book for long plane rides.

I admit this is an embarrassment solely because after I did some research on the novel I found that it is received very well by almost all that read it. It even won the Strega Prize in 1959 (Italy's highest award for fiction). In a sense I feel as if I am imposing an insult upon this work of fiction by not making a stronger attempt to complete it. Maybe if my day job was a literary critic I would do The Leopard more justice, but I decided that life is too short (and filled with enough tedium) to force myself through it.

Next up is page ten I can already see that there is much more of a connection to the "human element".

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